
Get to Know Each Other and Set Expectations (Buying & Selling)

During relaxed introductory meetings, I dedicate extensive time getting to know you, key goals, needs and apprehensions. My priority is understanding motivations and aspirations related to the move along with your unique circumstances. I listen intently to what home ownership, or the sale means personally beyond financial implications. This insight allows tailored advice catering to your situation for win-win outcomes.

For buyers I provide an overview of our full journey together from financing through closing. Sellers receive guidance on maximizing value through staging, pricing, and negotiation strategies.


Assess Options & Plan (Buying & Selling)

Buyers receive materials like my “Home Buying 101” guide simplifying process fundamentals, such as explanations of documents, creative negotiating and more. I help narrow parameters like ideal property types or must-have amenities suiting needs and budget.

Sellers get custom comparable market analysis revealing recent area sales and trends to inform competitive pricing. I supply prep and staging checklists. My unique “Maximize Sale Price” blueprint leverages data for pricing sweet spots balancing time-on-market.


Prepare Finances (Buying) or List and Market the Property (Selling)

For buyers, I explain down payments, credit requirements and financing options like conventional, FHA and VA loans. By outlining pros and cons suited to your situation, I identify the best mortgages and lenders to fund the purchase. If you already have a pre-approval, I’ll still evaluate if better programs exist, saving money long-term.

For sellers, I connect you with our exceptional professional photographers who deliver enticing visuals conveying the property’s uniqueness and upgrades. Listing across MLS and top sites, I market broadly through tailored messages sparking immediate buyer interest and showings. My unique “Coming Soon” soft launch builds anticipation so waitlisted buyers jump when your home officially hits the market.


View & Assess Potentials (Buying) or Show & Wow Prospective Buyers (Selling)

For buyers, once financing and preferences are set, the fun starts touring options! I leverage insider access to preview not-yet-listed properties also. Every showing includes teachable moments going beyond surface features to empower informed decisions on suitability. My custom trackers compare property each across your defined wish list, needs and deal breakers simplifying the selection process and putting us in the best possible position to make an offer.

For sellers, I conduct all showings to avoid disruptions and make the process as smooth as possible for you. Utilizing motivating sales verbiage while answering buyers’ questions warmly keeps me top-of-mind after showings. My follow-ups educate on your property’s unique value worthy of strong offers. Interested but not committed prospects also get helpful nudges to take the next steps.


Make Offers and Negotiate Terms (Buying & Selling)

Buyers receive unconditional support removing stress during make-or-break moments finalizing a deal. By leveraging pricing data and trends, I creatively negotiate, securing the optimal price without sacrificing must-haves. I know every trick helping buyers land dream homes at surprisingly affordable prices.

For sellers, I factor in variables like length-of-time-on market, total buyer demand, and overbid frequencies determining how high offers can rationally justify going. My #1 goal always remains orchestrating the maximum sales price and favorable terms catered to you. Just because the market is hot doesn’t automatically mean settling for first bids either!


Coordinate Inspections & Appraisals (Buying)

I schedule inspector walkthroughs then explain any red flags objectively afterwards, so alarm bells don’t trigger deal breaking panic. The ARG Team knows inspections and appraisals can be tough and we are here for you every step of the way.


Review Contracts Thoroughly (Buying & Selling)

I invest the time required fully explaining thick stacks of complex contracts until comprehending obligations becomes easy breezy. We'll tackle any last minute paperwork issues together too.

The ARG Team also works with seasoned real estate attorneys with extensive legal and market knowledge. With the ARG Team you have a deep bench all with the goal of making your experience seamless and stress free.


Finalize Closing Logistics (Buying & Selling)

The ARG Team manages and coordinates every detail related to ownership transfers. Our experience working with hundreds of buyers and sellers means we know what to anticipate and how to plan to ensure error-free, on-time closing.


Celebrate and Provide Continued Support (Buying & Selling)

We celebrate together!

The ARG Team will remain on call, answering any questions you have and providing continued support to tie up any loose ends after closing.


Stay in Touch! (Buying & Selling)

The ARG Team is committed to exceptional service and that commitment never expires. As needs emerge years later, I’m a phone call away to take on new projects or discuss upgrades.